Saturday, November 29, 2008
------ 29 Nov 08 ------
Friday, November 28, 2008
-26 Nov -Rebonding my hair - / 28 Nov
todae ..
i wake so early..
around 11.30 am reach salon..
Hav a light wash..
den strt the rebonding..
lalala~ Time passes Till 5.30P.M~~ hair doneeee
looks WEIRD!
so nerdy again!
PS. No Pics yet...dun feeling wan take..[[ugly]]
------ 28 Nov 08 ------
Todae plae games whole day~
Evening go Kepong!
Nite go Shopping at Kepong Jusco..
Guess wat i saw?
Dum Di DUm~
Da Da LA~
i saw........ MILO! [ aka Miyoko ]
muahaha xD
bak home chat msn wib bebe n milo~
Miss bebe sooo muchy muchy~
Sowie for tht day ..
i veli Emo d..Sowieeee~~~
Love eu !
- End of Post -
``Yainnie `
Friday, November 21, 2008
19,20,21 of Nov 08

Cute? My SuKiiMoMo <3
kinda like qi gai..but oso kawai la haha~
---20th , 21st Nov 08 ---
Same things..Audi` Mapling ` Watch Tv ` Eat Dinner -less lunch `
Anyways..i seems lose weight jor!
juz now shopping saw the weighing thinggy..go step on it..
46-47kg @_@
gosh..i frm 51kg bcome 47 kg! haha~ <3
Teng neh >.> the one say kap no idea =x
still toking bout food anyways LOLS!
i think thts all haha~
nitex ` byes ` <3
Miiss someone Freaking Muchy!
``Yainnie `
.:: MISS EU! ::.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fk Tht Friendster!
Kek si wo la..
All my fwenster de fwen..Hilang le...=(
Toopid fwenster!
Toopid fwenster Bug!
Toopid fwenster Admin!
Toopid fwenster..Duno -.-
haiz..heart break jor..
should strt facebook huh?
NOt sure YET!
thinking in proccess..
Holiday Lurhs..
Nth to do..
I wan go reborn my hair..
Should hav fringe ? or dun hav lik now?
NO Idea =')
MIss Teng teng at IpoH..
Miis Bebe At skl training his flute?
and Miss..MY FWENSTER!
Blah blah~

Thts All!
tata =(
Friday, November 14, 2008
------13 Nov 08 ------
------ 13 nov 08 ------
I've been to Sunway wib Joey n Ping~
Go thr for?
Ask ping =x
anyway.. i help ping saw dao him 1st ..wakaka =D
nth so special anyway..
But mayb its the worst attitude guy i ever seen?
no idea =x
Waste le few hour ...Juz help ping to find him..
At last ..he dun wan see ping O.o swt ?
ok watever~
We have our Breakfast At Mc D.
eu noe wat?
its my 1st time of eating Mc D AFTER Half YR!
I break the chain =x
Anyway..Mc D nice ~ hehe
We oso have our drinks at Starbuck b4 go Red box.
Joey - Hazel nut choco?
Ping - frapucino Green Tea?
Miie - Frapucino Choco Cream xD
PS , no pic =x
--- Around 3pm+ ---
~Miie ~
~miie ~ Ping ~
We go Sing k at red box duno special discount if we buy the x Pax thinggy ~
[[ the x pax ]]
` inside the card gt rm20`
` den another rm 10 red box voucher `
As a conclusion : we pay rm 10..get rm 30 =D WOrtH Rite ! xD
anyway..wat most important is!!!
the red box gib us 3ppl a super large room!
i think the room can fit 10ppl+
`` 2 TV`
`` got ps2`
`` alot chair `
`` alot table `
`` gt small bar `
`` alot lights `=x
cool rite?
but seem weird..onli 3 ppl inside tht room -.-
our time is untill 630 pm..
but till 7pm..oso no bill come ..hehe
den we r tired + wan go home jor,
so we go out ask for bill,
they owe us 3 more cup of drinks..but nvms..we gtg~
they tell us :
`` u can stay in the room longer - no extra charge [ coz no ppl need room now ]
`` u oso can get the 3 drink if u wan stay `
sowie la~ its too late ..we'r tired..
sommore the room ppl care us de..
swt..wan order drinks oso hard ! rawr!
but its a big room~ =D
--- after sing k ---
go hav dinner wib joey's dad n mum`
` we saw Jia jia thr too
` we saw the astro dancing competition judger o.o
den nite..i went home~
den Upload pics`
Chat wib bebe`
bebe fa pi qi orh~~~
nex time bu ke yi jiang !
Love eu `
Thts all for ytd =)
``Yainnie `
.:: EmoHearttie ::.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My yesterday and todae [[ Last Day in School ]]
hii again~
[[ Yesterday ]]
It is a Monday.
Din Go skl . Coz noe it will be boring.
- Afternoon -
Follow parent went repair car car~
Then, Go eat lunch..
Aiya ps 4get take pic.. a veli expensive n high class de lunch ..muahahahahaha
sommore i most rmb is the yan wo [ 燕窝] tart~ <3>
Then, go home ..
Then! go out again wib mommy..
Go to the bank den go the test wo de eye~
nid new spec again..Haix

At Nite..
Bebe gave me his photo as he promised =D
kaka..i gort bebe's pic le..muahaha
hmm..still okie reason to reject it =)
Love bebe =)
Bebe oso gimme a vid..
*he stole my pic frm fs to make it *
so sui orh him ~ But i like it much =x
Ytd kinda tired~ =)
[[ TODAE ]]
- last day of skl for ME -
i dun wan go anymoreee!
Bored like suffer RAWRR!
hav nth to do..Joey go bak earlier..Dump me , ping , Evon at skl =(
i skip my dinner coz i ate chicken rice when around 4PM+ * kap fei =x *
Go Home bathe..Comp..~ as usual de miie `boring
i think thts all for todae - about ytd n todae '' synopsis'' kaka~
.:: Love eu ::.
Friday, November 7, 2008
bebe promised gimme his pic nex week de..
I really beliv bebe de promise eh..ReaLLy..
Bcoz i love bebe =)
I wish dun anyhow break iit..=)
``Yainnie `
.:: Promises ::.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Si LAo Suu!
i smell dao the water water ar... smeellllyyy ehhh -_- -vomit-
Todae daddy find ppl go up see see ar...
Guess wat we SAW !
Gosh gOsH GoSh ~~
A Dead Mouse...
` normal size
`Drop - into - the - TANGki
Yuckkkkkkssssss ><
whY got such idiotic mouse de lerhs?
Ownself go Suicide inside the 'sea' -tangki [[ frm mouse vision ]]
den nerhs?
Use direct water lorhs -.- ..
Pull those pipe into the bathroom lor -.-
NO WARM water to bathe..COld si le ...
Now ar..boring dao nth to do..
Miss miie bebe so muchy ..=(
nth to say liao ..thts all f0r todae..
-The End -
``Yainnie `
.:: I love eu ::.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hmm...No IdEa
- After exams -
- After Shopping everywhr -
- After GAming -
Description For The Whole Weeks n Weeks n weeks : ---BoreD-x3 !!
anyway..during tis few weeks..actually im not really tht happy..
I duno..
Mayb Coz of
- Family?
- Fwenz?
- Bebe?
No Idea of any ..
Oya..todae Sook Yan Bdae..Onli Wished her happi bdae , miss tropz fwenz alot.. =(
I audi whole day le.. [[ Tired ]] > [[ Dprove ]] > [[ Omg ]] alot wishes..but seems t0 hard t0 achieve it..Blahs!
Duno When..
`` I have bcome a em0 galz `
`` I bcome toopid `
`` I oso bcome Nerdy o.o?`
`` My mum will bring me Get new Contact lens`
`` Let me go reborn again my hair `
`` Let me Make up `
`` Let me do Mask `
`` Let me bcome pretty `
Anyway..she dun care bout pimples on my face..No gimme medicine cure..Im Bored of it..
how? Idk..Mayb she wan gimme left scar thr? i'll kill myself. rly scare of duno wat``
just hav tht feelings anyways..
``No idea XD
holidays coming lurhs..
I'm still stuck at home..for nth...
[[ - I Wiishhh - ]]
``can went for a holiday at BEAch wib fwenz not family ! My Fav!! ..wish to be a seaside gals muahaha -dream of it -
I love the name tht i sudden appear on my mind =)
[[ ---MiiaO-x3 ]]
[[ ---RawR-x3 ]]
iit is a weird name..but duno why i like it so much..hehe
Everyones noe tht In the world no one is perfect.
but alot ppls tried to Be Perfect.
Me? idk..too far frm iit lols..
Emo Emo Emo kills miie..
Thts all for todae I thiink ..^^
`` Yainnie` L.O.V.E.
.:: I miss eu ::.