beginning it was so happy.. was a piss off ending..
wat was it?
the audi fam..
inside have alot of dogs...
gt old ppl..but childdish minded...
wats childdish minded?

for the person i wanna say..
she is so selfish..
she cant control of her emotional..
she tot she ah lian den big deal..
she tot everyone shuld obey wat she intructed us to do..
she told teng tht the who n who n who dun like him..jealous or etc..
but she still believe them den us ..woo~
wat i wan say?
listen here~~
[ puii ur bullshyt minded with ur lifeless of ur dogs ppls... ]
she older she big meh?!
i can act as big as her too..
she force ppl to do somthings they dun like..
she scold ppl whenever she like [ for no reason ]
NOt everyone was so kind...
as in not everyone have a ready mood for her to scold...
KNN..she said to me...
now i said to her bah...!
'' KNN, fucking biatchh...lifeless with ur comp... u cant be a hot gal ever .. woohoo.. "
like wat i said..
she said WE ARE A FAMILY !
her family means...
HER RL FWENS in the games...
without her on9 fwens...
she told tht her rl fwen is the mosttt important..
i wan tell u the truth...
even rl fwens..
it oso include in the the words : FRIENDS
juz 1 part of the fwens...mayb some of them hates u..but still help u...
Me n teng oso rl fwens..
We love each other..
caring each other..
opps..i 4get she dun understand wats "caring" ..shes selfish one x]
Sharing is caring...
caring is sharing!
sometimes we quarrel too..
thats call friends!
true friends!
Thats called LIFE !! kaka..
Mer help so alot..
wat she save in her mind?
all negatively...bad side of someone..
Thats call lifeless..
can she say out...wat do we helped b4?
i think..narhs...she duno...
she onli wan ppl '' bong satay '' say how gd is cool is she..
i think thts so fake...
but she like it x] true fwens..
ppl dun like eu means dun like...why forcing ppl? funnieh man.
Juz regret help them too muchy orh..awww
but nvms..act as i donate my kindness to poor things.. xD
bout zendy..i sure she misunderstood my words...
i love her alot..
coz she is the person recruit me into the lovely fam..
thx u did not press kik to me tht time..
i 101% sure n i swear wib my HEart! tht i no insulted like wat ann's said to me..
juz misunstooding..
she oso did pm me insult zen b4..
but nvm..i always be the fault side..=]
i take it =] no regret.
owh..i actually is almost done fam siggy...left ice n cream..
but seems i too slow to make it for them..
its broken now ..its useless now..

left ice n half way thr comes the end..actually is for the blog skin..
wasted my time..
tis actually is everyones id tht i wan make..
too bad too come rubbish d =o
keke..i feel free now..
i happy..
i can go bak my madness joke wib my ki siow gang ..woohooo!
.:: DogsSux ::.