Says bye bye to 2009.
This year imma 18 but now not officially 18 yet.
31 dec 2009. 11pm. Parents says go to Dfortune for celebration.
Daddy open 2 different German beer. It Taste so Good. Anyway, it makes me feel a little bit dizzy..yea.
1 dec 2010 . 12am. There was a firework just infront the shop. Alot peoples go towars it and watch. But then it is too near, less den 10m away. And the droplets burn till my hand. Its Hurt.
2 Dec 2010.I went for hair cut. I think this time i look so different then last time huh.
Just change an image of myself ;]
3 Dec 2010. Went out with baby and joey. Actually wanna watch sherlock homes. But, Too many peoples. At last went to TGI for lunch. Absolutely FULL. X_x
My Creation for Hawtties Babes for 2nd time ;D
My Creation for Hawtties Babes for 2nd time ;D

HEYA! 4 dec 2010! everyone school reopen ! Except me. Staying at home grow mushroom.
Grow Mushroom.
Grow Mushroom.
Grow Mushroom.
Grow Mushroom.
Grow Mushroom.
Anyway. Next week monday go 1u find work with jasmine. ;pray! Get a nice job ya.
Recently so many ppl face so many problems. Good luck to ya all who faces any problem.
For some xmm, hope they get infront of mirror and look at themself before flirting and comment on others peoples. *my Advice*
Recently so many ppl face so many problems. Good luck to ya all who faces any problem.
For some xmm, hope they get infront of mirror and look at themself before flirting and comment on others peoples. *my Advice*
Yainnie Says Get Your Ass Infront of the MiRRoR.
Go off for audi already.
Go off for audi already.
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