
Too boring so I feel like blog something else. Was at facebook slacking again. Save alot nice pictures including Danbo series! Danbo cute right ;] Whenever I see Danbo I feel happy. I put Danbo with coffee beans because it remind me of the week before assessment. Seriously, I took quite alot of coffee in that particular god damn week.
I Love Coffee
it cant be denied.
Yesterday, 27 April, I realize I lost my Macbook Pro Charger. Fuck My Life. I dont know what inside my brain now. Its fucking useless. Either my charger been steal or I leave it somewhere else. Monday assessment I remember I dint use my charger in college but i did bring it to college. Somehow so what, it disappear from my bag ;( Its holiday and i cant use my macbook now after doing some stuff and no battery.
What day is today? And What about tomorrow? ;] ?