Inspiration is What I Need.

All assignment due date is on next week. Plenty of them HAVEN'T been done by me. Haha. *Hugs Buddha's Leg * Cramming for up coming assessment.
Seriously, i need inspiration!! God, Please let me get some invaluable inspirations. Sometimes, do work with heart and with plan but still score as same as other who just simply do. LoL. Tired man. Craving for CGPA just to go SG but FML went to somewhere i've regreted. Blahs, just need to go on ;] Recently fucking damn Dislike someone. Is a she. A very irritating person with so called '' Princess Attitude '' but without any good temperament. Group with her is such a disaster. Everything have to tell her one by one, step by step while she only understand half what you're talking about. Asked her to search something for group, she even ask : " huhhhh.... how to search? " Fuck Her Life. I dont think she understand the usage of internet, the google. I dont even dare to give any work to her. All because of the comments by others who have pass through the disaster grouping with her. I willing suffer myself than do double job after she done her work very slowly and low quality?
I hope after next week, i could relax myself for finishing assignments and prepare for assessment! ;D
Poof to Audi ;x
Raazxc ♥
.:: FuckHerLife ::.
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