缘分是本书, 翻的不经意会错过。读的太认真会流泪。

How I wish I could go to the beach with you with this shoe and left our cute little foot prints there. ;']
Sometimes sit down and stare at the clock quietly and wish the time can rewind and stop at that moment.
Today said want to go and have a haircut but till the end dint go. 10 plus in the morning, I wake up and realise my left eye swell. First thing in my mind is Fuck. I cant wear lens then how to have hair cut. I wash my eye. Make it cool down. Make it less swollen asap. In the end, evening plan to go have hair cut. Wear my lens in my red eye condition -.- pain. Then salon's uncle call my mum asked not to go today because alot of customer.
At night went to Bangsar Village. See and envy the rich people there. Dinner at Madam Kwan then fetch my brother who went to friend's birthday at Mont Kiara. My brother took his result today and its bad. In the end, I kena scold. Fuck this. Mum scold me that brother will go commerce class because of me saying commerce class easier to get A's. He went commerce cant even get A's. Do you expect him to went pure science class like me? His modern math cant score well as me and you expect him to take add math? When brother get bad result, everytime I kena. WHAT FOR? fuck this shit. My emotions is hard to control now. Dont make me angry or upset. I wont care anything to shout out loud to you or even say at the most, I commit suicide.
Pity my eyes. the tears is so bad. I think my eyes is too and over tired. therefore it swells up.
Seriously. I tried hard. It kills me. I just felt pain.
Ciaos .
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