The best things in life are unseen,thats why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry and dream.
Saturday went out with my friends to Sunway. Actually we really had nothing to do. Went to Redbox sing again. Time havent up those worker already start to shoo us away == what the hell.
Walk around the mall, I looking for a bag but it seems like no bag that could attract my eyes. We went to Tbowi. A toilet concept restaurant ._.'' Actually those food really taste nice , especially the soup. When we enjoy our teabreak, we saw a guy holding a camera and shooting there. His friends even ask face the camera then smile and wave our hands. Lol..
Then night time dinner with family at ZEN.
My day is still so boring. New timetable really suck. Afternoon class. No Parking slot. Go home in traffic jam. Urhssss...
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