
Today, my desktop's graphic card finally changed. Due to my old version of computer, graphic card cant buy so expensive one ;( GAINWARD, PhysX by NVIDIA. My new graphic card.
My Audi, I changed my fam name from iHawt to Rosemary. Brand new life huh...I thought so. I've spend 2 hours to do Rosemary Siggy. This time I only use Words but not visual characters.

陈思涵 - 雨不停
Another song that I Appreciate. Last time, I dont believe all the song lyric been created by real and truth feeling. But now, I do.
我一直爱着过去 爱着你
那些曾经 我选择相信
窗外下着雨 敲打着冰冷空气
好像说着你我 早已全都没有关系
Nice song ;D
Please dont say Im stupid to live with my past. Because it is the only way that makes me happy too. Im a failure in relationship. Yes its true but Im also the one helping peoples to solve their relationships problems. I wish people i help will success. Because now it is my biggest wish to see people's happiness. 别人的幸福,是我生存的理由。 I have all along become people's entertainer. I think I should seek people as my entertainment. It sounds bad. But Im forced to.
Even though Im afraid to touch and draw any portrait now but someday I will take my courage to finish a portrait of my feeling.
Sorry that Im just so irritating. Smile.
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