Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I shouldn't have to notice you and see it. Totally kills me. 

I could feel that My heart just drop.

Let it go. Conceal it. Don't feel. 

I hope you really never come back here to read. It will makes me regret for my whole life.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hey. I'm back again. 
Why I'm posting here? 
Because this is the only place I can say what I feel..

Quarreling. Is what I go on every week. Too much disappointment I got from him. I'm tired of getting his attention from his phone.. What am I to him.. Just a name tag with girlfriend on it? His mum don't like me either.. That feeling.. Just terrible. Somehow, my depression seems coming back. I hope I can still cover it up. Not to cry every night. I don't want to go through the same thing in the past three years after you left me again. It's suffocating. 
Loving someone is so hard. Am I not right. Don't love is the best. Am I not right. You can, but I can't. I don't have so much friends around me. The friends I have with me mostly is totally different interest with me, can't get along well. That's why I need someone who really can understand me desperately. Yes, desperate.. Just like how you said to me.. The most heart aching sentence in my whole life now.. I'm a desperate person to the person who once meant the whole world to me.. 
Always wonder.. When will you come back to me.. A wish that will only remains as a wish forever.

Sign off.
A girl who talks to you without you to listen or see.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To someone I couldn't reach anymore.

Hey. How are you? 

Something that will not able to speak it out from me to you. 

When they will make me stop comparing them to you.