Happy Birthday to Myself. On the same day still rushing Assignment haha. Because of my Lackadaisical attitude. Thanks for the 125 people's wishes in my facebook and few wishes from sms , skype and msn. Thanks My whf for the birthday song ;]
This year family not really celebrate with a cake but we went to EMPIRE shopping's Rakuzen th-japanese restaurant. Its really so damn Delicious and yet it is so damn expensive too. Teng they all say celebrate my birthday after 15 Nov? hahaha *happy*
My parents bought me a Ipod Touch 4G as my present. So happy lurh.
Some pieces of my basic drawing assignment 2 :
Th-Randomness :
Multiface people is dangerous ;(
My Fringe is so long and so irritating ! I want to cut it OFF ;(
Someone now only tell me he underage and dont have card to book ;(
Looking Forward for the coming holidays in 3 Weeks MORE! ;D!
WHF is working... Miss ta.
Ciaos ♥ Going empire shopping mall again.
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